Meet the Volunteers
PEP rely on our 'dedicated volunteer force, an unseen force' to help run our services for older people in North Edinburgh.
There are many volunteering opportunities in PEP. All involve working with older people.
For example, we always need Passenger Assistants to help frail older people on and off buses, to and from their homes. An essential part of the driving team, Passenger Assistants work with PEP's drivers to ensure a smooth, effective service for all our customers. Many of our Passenger Assistants go on to train as relief drivers.
Other volunteering opportunities include Club Assistants who help in the preparation of food, the organisation of activities and in ensuring attending a PEP club is an enjoyable experience for each of the 100 older people who attend PEP clubs over the course of each week. Working with PEP's Clubs Organiser, each Club Assistant has specific tasks and works as part of a small team.
If you prefer a more one to one experience PEP can offer volunteering opportunities as a Resource Companion, as a visitor or as a computer tutor to older people in their homes. Each of these jobs involve learning basic counselling skills as well as any specialist skills that you need. In every case, PEP offers appropriate training for all the tasks involved so no-one is asked to do something they haven't been properly trained for.
Being a PEP volunteer also offers the opportunity for lots of fun social events. PEP always tries to involve our volunteers in its busy calendar of social events, always tries to turn training into an opportunity for team work and lots of laughter and most importantly PEP really values the gifts of time and energy all our volunteers make.
If you would like to find out more about volunteering with PEP why don't you contact Roy at 315 4466 who will be happy to discuss things with you.
Click here to read more about our volunteers in the annual report.